Exercising the eyes is also important and healthy…
The muscles that are responsible for moving the eyes are the most active muscles of the body. They are subjected to weather changes, temperature, and lighting, among others.
The ocular gymnastics helps to release the tensions of the daily effort, strengthening the muscles through massage, movement, and ocular stretching.
When waking up:
Look around the edges of all the objects around you, moving your eyes simultaneously for 2 seconds without stopping; Close your eyes tightly so that the muscles contract for 3 seconds, releasing the muscles quickly.
Stretch your eyes, opening them as much as you can for 3 seconds; rest and repeat 5 seconds.
In the shower:
Keep your head stiff and lookup for 3 seconds; make the same movement down 4 times.
Repeat from right to left in horizontal; draw a circle by moving the eyes clockwise and then do it in the opposite direction.
At work:
Choose an object as a point of reference to focus closely, do the same with a point that is far away; change the focus of your reference point to focus closely, and vice versa 5 times.
At home:
Do the same exercises, just like when you wake up.
Photosensitive lenses
• Adapt the entrance of light to the eyes in the different lighting conditions.
• Correct refractive errors such as myopia and astigmatism.
• Block UV rays to 100%.
• Improve the perception of colors.
Do not forget to visit your ophthalmologist in case you present any sight problems or any doubt that may arise in reference to this.